From the Oliva Cigar Company, Nub is a concept cigar, launched in the UK in 2009. Nub cigars are considered one of the most innovative cigars around. Many makers have tried to copy, but they cannot match the superb quality and consistency of the Nub. The cigars are packed with blends of tobacco to capture the perfect essence of a cigar.
Nub cigars are the results of the search for the 'sweet spot'. By shortening the overall length of the cigar, while significantly expanding its ring gauge; these cigars have an immediate and sustained 'sweet spot'. They also deliver a more flavourful and complex smoking experience.
The Cain Daytona stays true to its roots by being a "Straight Ligero" cigar, but Daytona's ligero is entirely from the Jalapa Valley. The Jalapa ligero is more refined than other ligeros. Jalapa ligero, plus Cain's triple fermentation, makes Cain Daytona a medium to full-bodied, smooth, rich and flavoured smoke.