We plan, prepare and execute around 50 cigar events across the whole of the UK each year in partnership with UK Cigar Retailers, cigar makers and Brand Ambassadors from Spirits companies, reaching out to over 1,000 cigar aficionados.
Our events give the cigar smoker the opportunity to sample and taste a cigar that perhaps they have never tried before, or merely an opportunity to taste a cigar with likeminded people.
Our New World Cigar events are proving to be very popular with cigar lovers as they are able to socialize, relax and pursue their passion amongst the Cigar Community, and on special occasions, you will get the chance to meet the actual brand owners to share the knowledge and passion that they put into their cigars.
Where possible we like to pair the cigars with a suitable alcoholic beverage and take the time to explain to the guests what they are smoking and what is special about the cigar we have chosen.
Historically our events are held in selected cigar lounges, bars, restaurants and hotels throughout the UK, and in particular, establishments that cater for the cigar enthusiast by providing a Comfortable Outdoor Smoking Area.
There are also several events held in Cigar Specialist Retailer outlets that allow customers to sample cigars inside their premises.
Since the Covid19 Lockdown we have been very active in supporting retailers host their own Virtual cigar events for their clientele, with many of the worlds top cigar makers joining us live for educational and fun evenings. This gives a rare and unique opportunity for the consumer to engage directly with the cigar makers.
Please get in touch if you are a retailer or hospitality outlet and are interested in hosting your own cigar event. We will guide you through the planning process to ensure you have a great event and that everyone has a memorable experience.
Keep an eye on our upcoming events to see when an event is happening in your area and contact your local retailer for tickets. We look forward to seeing you.